Sunday, August 10, 2008

Seattle--Together, FINALLY

Ha! Made it! I just pulled into Wesa's apartment to begin final preparations (meaning eat). I still have not quite finished packing....I need to pick up a few more things at the store, and find some place in my bag where they will fit. Big thanks to O'Neil for the Gracies's breakfast in Portland, and the Jacksons for hanging out with me during some intriguing interpretive dance in the park here in Seattle. Not going to lie, landing in Chiang Mai still feels like a long way from here right at this moment, even though we board a plane tonight. (well, it is, literally, a long way, but still).

Anyway, the point of this post--I'm in Seattle, Wesa is in Seattle, we are both packed, passports in hand, rooms booked for when we arrive, and the slightly rumbly feeling in my stomach tells me that I will be getting on a plane very soon.

Next post--from the other side of the ocean.


Lupe said...

Sounds like you are both having a good time already. Love to you both Emmy and Wesa. I feel like half my family is almost on the other side of the ocean. Que les villa bien y con dios, mis ninas.

Nic said...

It was great seeing you, Emmy. Hope you had a good (as is possible) flight and are enjoying Chang Mai!

Unknown said...

Emmy and Wesa,

Thanks for the updates. It looks like you are having a great time together. Keep it coming!

Dave Horton

King Schultz said...

Without a doubt, a trip of a lifetime. But, there'll be more ahead, no? You look so happy... We just put my 16-year-old daughter on a plane for Brazil (11 months away - not a happy daddy) and my sister returns next week to live in her beloved Paris. Everyone's traveling... people to visit. Thanx for the wonderful tales, and return safely.
